Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on Wednesday, February 9, 2005, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Offices.


                   PRESENT:   SAMUEL SOLOMON, CHAIR

                                      REGINA MANISCALCO, VICE CHAIR

                                      ARNOLD COHEN

                                      ELI HAUSER

                                      PETER O’CAIN, ASST. TOWN ENGINEER.


Business Transacted:


I.                Meeting called to order.  The minutes of the August 25, 2004, meeting were reviewed and accepted with corrections.



316 Massapoag Avenue, applicant – Michael Pettograsso.  This was just a sketch plan, not an actual filing of a Form A Plan, as the applicant was seeking input from the Board to see if it was worth his pursuing.  The parcel consists of four acres and the applicant wants to create an additional lot.  Frontage was an issue.  Therefore, the applicant was swapping a parcel of land with his neighbor to obtain the required frontage.  The Board reviewed the sketch plan and Mr. Cohen informed the applicant that as long as the plan met the frontage requirements there should be no problem with it.


Depot Street, owner Mass. Highway Dept.  The Town was buying a parcel of land in the railroad stations parking lot where an auto body shop had been located.  It is an existing lot and nothing in the use of dimensions of the lot is changing.  This is a filing formality to allow the official purchase of the lot.  Mr. Cohen moved approval, seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.



                                                                   Administrative Assistant


Minutes of Meeting                               Page Two                      February 9, 2005


          SIGN REVIEW





Mr. Faria, on behalf of the applicant, informed the Board that they would be meeting with the Board of Health next Monday and the Conservation Commission on Thursday.  They had made revisions to the plans that the Town’s consultant had recommended for both Boards and had just recently sent the revised plans to the consultant for further review.  They had also made the revisions the Planning Board had requested. 


Since they were still waiting for decisions from these Boards, Mr. Faria requested a further extension on the Board’s decision to March 16, 2005.  Mr. Cohen so moved, seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.




The applicant was before the Board with a new definitive subdivision for King Phillip Estates.  A 40B subdivision had been proposed and disapproved by the ZBA that showed 12 homes.  The Planning Board had been asked to consider this new subdivision plan in lieu of the applicant pursuing an appeal of the ZBA decision.


Mr. Dana Clow, engineer for the project, presented the following information:

·        The applicant was looking to build three homes.

·        There is a significant amount of elevation change on the site with a very steep approach.

·        There is less roadway in this plan than the 40B.  However, it is the same roadway layout.

·        There is a retention basin located on the property.

·        The roadway profile does show a 10% and 12% gradient, which does exceed the gradient of 8% allowable under the subdivision regulations. 


Minutes of Meeting                            Page Three                           February 9, 2005


·        They will be requesting waivers in order to construct the road, which will remain a private way.

·        The private way would provide access to all three homes, and would meander within the right of way to take advantage of the grade changes.

·        The proposed pavement width would be 18’ rather than the required 22’.

·        The plan as presented fully conforms to zoning, but not to the Board’s subdivision rules and regulations.

·        The cuts and fills do not conform.

·        Sidewalks will be eliminated.

·        Will maintain the recharge system at the bottom adjacent to Mansfield Street.


Atty. Devin, representing the applicant, told the Board that they were here in response to the 40B process which was denied by the ZBA.   They are in the appeal process.  It was suggested by Town Counsel that they meet with the Planning Board and work towards having this three lot subdivision approved in lieu of the 40B.  The appeal is set to be heard on June 20.  The applicant needs to have some clear indication from the Planning Board by the end of February to determine if this is going to be a viable plan.  They need to have some assurance that this alternative, suggested by Town Counsel, will be acceptable to the Town. 


Mr. Cohen said that the approval process needs to be done within the 90-day framework.  His opinion is that the Board should not be commenting on whether or not it is going to approve this without having first had the public hearing.  Speaking for himself, he said that the Board had discussed this and that it is quite open to this proposal.  Generally speaking the Planning Board approves subdivisions unless there is some reason it should not.  The neighbors might be much more amenable to this proposal than the alternative.

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Ms. Maniscalco added that the Board has actually spoken to some members of the ZBA who briefed the Board on what is going on in this situation. The Planning Board felt that if all of this is within the Rules and Regulations, it will probably get approved as would any subdivision that meets the requirements.  Mr. O’Cain added that the applicant needs to submit drainage calculations for pre and post construction, which they have not done, as well as the erosion and sedimentation plan.


Atty. Devin answered that they will do the work and provide the appropriate drainage calculations.  They are, however, looking to see that the Board is open to this idea and they understand that there is certain information that still needs to be provided to the Board.


Mr. O’Cain suggested the Board provide some type of agreement between the applicant and the Board stating exactly what will be required, so that the applicant knows what they need to provide for the Board to be able to act upon this subdivision.


Mr. Hauser felt that the Board could hold certain requirements, identified in the engineering review letter, in abeyance for this phase of the process, so that the Town could move forward with resolving the legal case.   The Board then went over Mr. O’Cain’s list of missing items to determine what needed to be provided forthwith and what could be added as conditions of approval. 


Atty. Devin said that there would be specific waivers requested which are necessary in order to construct the plan they are proposing.  When they come before the Board again, they will have a specific waiver request list.


(Mr. Solomon arrived.)


Mr. Solomon also informed the applicant that they would need to get a letter from the Fire Chief stating his comments regarding the roadway in this subdivision. 

Minutes of Meeting                              Page Five                            February 9, 2005


Mr. Solomon also said that there is an issue here as to whether or not the applicant can build the subdivision in compliance with the rules and regulations.  If so, then it is up to the Board to determine what waivers, if any, it will allow which need to be in the best interests of the Town.


After review, Ms. Maniscalco indicated that #29 and #30 of Mr. O’Cain’s list could be deal breakers.  Mr. Solomon said that he had had some conversations with Town Counsel and indicated that the Board is always open to looking at what comes before it.  This is the first time this plan has been seen by the Board.  The Board also has to be concerned with setting precedents in what it allows for waivers, what regulations cannot be met in any way and how severe the waivers are.  These are some of the questions the Board needs to answer to itself – and these are issues that can’t be determined the first time the Board sees the plans.  The Board needs to review the plans and determine what the ramifications will be.  We need to hear what the Fire Chief has to say about this roadway.  There are issues about the 10-12% gradient.  The reason the Board has rules and regulations is to make sure that the safety concerns of the Town are met.  The Board is concerned about setting precedent in granting waivers.


Ms. Maniscalco confirmed that there are a couple of items the Board needs clarification on in order to make a decision and one is part of item #30 – we need to hear what the Fire Chief has to say about the roadway.  Also need to discuss #29 more to understand it.  She said she became less alarmed about the outstanding issues in the process of going over the list at this meeting. 


Mr. O’Cain said that he needed a copy of the new plans to be able to provide a review of the subdivision to the Board. 


Mr. Hauser said that, regarding the steepness of the road, if the Fire Chief says that he can get his equipment up the road and the water issue works, he would be OK with allowing it to happen.


The public hearing on this subdivision will be held on March 9, 2005, at 8:00 p.m.


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IV.           W. GODLIN GROUP.

 Mr. Godlin cancelled at this time and will call to reschedule.



The date for the public hearing was set for March 9, 2005, at 7:30  p.m.  A draft of the language has been sent to Town Counsel for review.  Mr. Hauser added that there should be zoning change that requires affordable housing in each conventional subdivision, to be proposed at a future Town Meeting. 



Mr. Hauser advised that the next step should be to set up another meeting with the Conservation Commission.  Ms. Maniscalco would provide the draft for discussion.



A Mr. Fred Martin presented himself to the Board as a participant in the appeal case for King Phillip Estates.   He said he had been studying the area over the last several years.  He wanted the Board to understand that the conservation issue for this area is very important.   In addition to the ancient stones, it has been found that the area also contains some glacial clusters as well.  He requested that if the subdivision gets approved, that the houses be located as close to the street as possible.


VIII.  There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.